Results for 'Valery G. Romanovski'

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  1.  14
    The cyclicity of a cubic system.Viktor Levandovskyy, Alessandro Logar & Valery G. Romanovski - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski, Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--04.
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    Marr's Levels Revisited: Understanding How Brains Break.Valerie G. Hardcastle & Kiah Hardcastle - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (2):259-273.
    While the research programs in early cognitive science and artificial intelligence aimed to articulate what cognition was in ideal terms, much research in contemporary computational neuroscience looks at how and why brains fail to function as they should ideally. This focus on impairment affects how we understand David Marr's hypothesized three levels of understanding. In this essay, we suggest some refinements to Marr's distinctions using a population activity model of cortico-striatal circuitry exploring impulsivity and behavioral inhibition as a case study. (...)
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    The basic components of the human mind were solidified during the Pleistocene epoch.Valerie G. Starratt & Todd K. Shackelford - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp, Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 231–242.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Evolution Evolutionary Psychology Ultimate vs. Proximate Causes of Behavior An Example of an Evolved Psychological Mechanism Solidified During the Pleistocene Epoch Summary Postscript: Counterpoint References.
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    Risk of Death or Life-Threatening Injury for Women with Children Not Sired by the Abuser.Emily J. Miner, Todd K. Shackelford, Carolyn Rebecca Block, Valerie G. Starratt & Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (1):89-97.
    Women who are abused by their male intimate partners incur many costs, ranging in severity from fleeting physical pain to death. Previous research has linked the presence of children sired by a woman’s previous partner to increased risk of woman abuse and to increased risk of femicide. The current research extends this work by securing data from samples of 111 unabused women, 111 less severely abused women, 128 more severely abused women, and 26 victims of intimate partner femicide from the (...)
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    Learning with sublexical information from emerging reading vocabularies in exceptionally early and normal reading development.G. Brian Thompson, Claire M. Fletcher-Flinn, Kathryn J. Wilson, Michael F. McKay & Valerie G. Margrain - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):166-185.
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  6. A Hardcastle, Valerie Gray, 173 Pauen, Michael, 202 Peters, Madelon L., 27 Heywood, CA, 410 Azzopardi, Paul, 292 Hirshman, Elliot, 103 Hobson, J. Allan, 67 R B. [REVIEW]Valerie Huemer, Cristina Ramponi, Talis Bachmann, G. Keith Humphrey, Antti Revonsuo, Marlene Behrmann, Raffaella Ricci, Neil Binder, Edoardo Bisiach & Marc Jeannerod - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7:647.
  7.  84
    Pain, Depression, and Goal-Fulfillment Theories of Ill-Being.Valerie Tiberius & Colin G. DeYoung - 2022 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 46:165-191.
    The idea that what is intrinsically good for people must be something they want or care about is a compelling one. Goal-fulfillment theories of well-being, which make this idea their central tenet, have a lot going for them. They offer a good explanation of why we tend to be motivated to pursue what’s good for us, and they seem to best explain how well-being is especially related to individual subjects. Yet such theories have been under attack recently for not being (...)
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    EHR adoption among doctors who treat the elderly.Valerie A. Yeager, Nir Menachemi & Robert G. Brooks - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (6):1103-1107.
  9.  14
    Kanamycin effects on vestibular, auditory, and renal function in mice.Valerie P. Perdue, Richard G. Burright & Peter J. Donovick - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (3):241-243.
  10.  26
    ERP evidence for task modulations on face perceptual processing at different spatial scales.Valérie Goffaux, Boutheina Jemel, Corentin Jacques, Bruno Rossion & Philippe G. Schyns - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (2):313-325.
    Does the perceptual processing of faces flexibly adapt to the requirements of the categorization task at hand, or does it operate independently of this cognitive context? Behavioral studies have shown that the fine and coarse spatial scales of a face are differentially processed depending on the categorization task performed, thus suggesting that the latter can influence stimulus perception. Here, we investigated the time course of these task influences on perceptual processing by examining the visual N170 face‐sensitive Event‐Related Potential (ERP), while (...)
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    (2 other versions)If it looks like a dog.Anne M. Sinatra, Valerie K. Sims, Matthew G. Chin & Heather C. Lum - 2012 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 13 (2):235-262.
    This study was designed to compare the natural free form communication that takes place when a person interacts with robotic entities versus live animals. One hundred and eleven participants interacted with one of four entities: an AIBO robotic dog, Legobot, Dog or Cat. It was found that participants tended to rate the Dog as more capable than the other entities, and often spoke to it more than the robotic entities. However, participants were not positively biased toward live entities, as the (...)
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    Constructive Thinking in the Critical Philosophy of Hermann Cohen.Valery Ye Semyonov - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (3):76-101.
    Constructive (productive) thinking in the critical philosophy of Hermann Cohen differs significantly from the seemingly similar speculative thinking in J. G. Fichte’s Science of Knowledge (Wissenschaftslehre) (1794/95). The fundamental characteristics of scientific thinking in Cohen’s teaching include: purity, focus on the “fact of science”, the origin (Ursprung), the infinitesimal method, continuity, movement, production, correlation, intensive magnitude, interrelation of thinking and being. According to Cohen, scientific thinking can only be pure and generated by the origin. The origin is continuous action (movement) (...)
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    Constructing Africa in Chinese international news reporting: peace or conflict journalism?Valerie A. Cooper & Innocent Chiluwa - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    China’s extensive media presence in Africa aims to distinguish itself through the use of constructive journalism in contrast with the perceived dominance of conflict journalism by Western media outlets. However, many scholars have raised questions of consistency surrounding Chinese media’s use of constructive journalism in representing Africa (e.g. Marsh, Citation2016). With perspectives from Galtung’s (Citation1987, p. 1998) conflict and peace journalism, this research applies Critical Discourse Analysis to examine Chinese media’s representation of Africa to an international audience. Using linguistic data (...)
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    A large-scale comparison of genomic sequences: One promising approach.Valery Kirzhner, Eviatar Nevo, Abraham Korol & Alexander Bolshoy - 2003 - Acta Biotheoretica 51 (2):73-89.
    We introduce a novel, linguistic-like method of genome analysis. We propose a natural approach to characterizing genomic sequences based on occurrences of fixed length words from a predefined, sufficiently large set of words (strings over the alphabet {A, C, G, T} ). A measure based on this approach is called compositional spectrum and is actually a histogram of imperfect word occurrences. Our results assert that the compositional spectrum is an overall characteristic of a long sequence i.e., a complete genome or (...)
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  15. Pathiaraj Rayappan , Intention in Action: The Philosophy of G. E. M. Anscombe . Reviewed by.Valérie Aucouturier - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (1):4-8.
  16.  28
    BeatWalk: Personalized Music-Based Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease.Valérie Cochen De Cock, Dobromir Dotov, Loic Damm, Sandy Lacombe, Petra Ihalainen, Marie Christine Picot, Florence Galtier, Cindy Lebrun, Aurélie Giordano, Valérie Driss, Christian Geny, Ainara Garzo, Erik Hernandez, Edith Van Dyck, Marc Leman, Rudi Villing, Benoit G. Bardy & Simone Dalla Bella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Taking regular walks when living with Parkinson’s disease has beneficial effects on movement and quality of life. Yet, patients usually show reduced physical activity compared to healthy older adults. Using auditory stimulation such as music can facilitate walking but patients vary significantly in their response. An individualized approach adapting musical tempo to patients’ gait cadence, and capitalizing on these individual differences, is likely to provide a rewarding experience, increasing motivation for walk-in PD. We aim to evaluate the observance, safety, tolerance, (...)
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    Emotions, intentions and their expressions: Anscombe on Wittgenstein’s stalking cat.Valérie Aucouturier - 2021 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 67:173-197.
    In this paper, I explore the difference between expression of intention and expression of emotion through a discussion of a passage from G.E.M. Anscombe’s Intention, where she claims that expression of intention, unlike expression of emotion, is “purely conventional”. I argue that this claim is grounded on the fact that, although emotions can be described, expressions of emotion are not descriptions at all. Similarly, expressions of intention are not descriptions of a present state of mind but are rather the expression (...)
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  18.  42
    Perception and presupposition in real-time language comprehension: Insights from anticipatory processing.Craig G. Chambers & Valerie San Juan - 2008 - Cognition 108 (1):26-50.
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    From Subject to Fellow Researcher: Reconceptualising Research Relationships to Safeguard Potentially Vulnerable Survey Participants.Peter G. N. West-Oram, Caroline Brooks & Valerie Jenkins - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):72-74.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 72-74.
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    Footloose and fossil-free no more: Evolutionary psychology needs archaeology.Valerie E. Stone - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):420-421.
    Evolutionary theories of human cognition should refer to specific times in the primate or hominid past. Though alternative accounts of tool manufacture from Wynn's are possible (e.g., frontal lobe function), Wynn demonstrates the power of archaeology to guide cognitive theories. Many cognitive abilities evolved not in the “Pleistocene hunter-gatherer” context, but earlier, in the context of other patterns of social organization and foraging.
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  21. Lay Denial of Knowledge for Justified True Beliefs.Jennifer Nagel, Valerie San Juan & Raymond A. Mar - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):652-661.
    Intuitively, there is a difference between knowledge and mere belief. Contemporary philosophical work on the nature of this difference has focused on scenarios known as “Gettier cases.” Designed as counterexamples to the classical theory that knowledge is justified true belief, these cases feature agents who arrive at true beliefs in ways which seem reasonable or justified, while nevertheless seeming to lack knowledge. Prior empirical investigation of these cases has raised questions about whether lay people generally share philosophers’ intuitions about these (...)
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  22.  39
    Converging evidence supports fuzzy-trace theory's nested sets hypothesis, but not the frequency hypothesis.Valerie F. Reyna & Britain Mills - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):278-280.
    Evidence favors the nested sets hypothesis, introduced by fuzzy-trace theory (FTT) in the 1990s to explain effects and extended to many tasks, including conjunction fallacy, syllogistic reasoning, and base-rate effects (e.g., Brainerd & Reyna 1990; Reyna 1991; 2004; Reyna & Adam 2003; Reyna & Brainerd 1995). Crucial differences in mechanisms distinguish the FTT and Barbey & Sloman (B&S) accounts, but both contrast with frequency predictions (see Reyna & Brainerd, in press).
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    Compassionate physicians.Ralph G. Oriscello & Valerie Ramsberger - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (6):4-4.
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    Is calpain activity regulated by membranes and autolysis or by calcium and calpastatin?Darrel E. Goll, Valery F. Thompson, Richard G. Taylor & Teresa Zalewska - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (8):549-556.
    Although the Ca2+‐dependent proteinase (calpain) system has been found in every vertebrate cell that has been examined for its presence and has been detected in Drosophila and parasites, the physiological function(s) of this system remains unclear. Calpain activity has been associated with cleavages that alter regulation of various enzyme activities, with remodeling or disassembly of the cell cytoskeleton, and with cleavages of hormone receptors. The mechanism regulating activity of the calpain system in vivo also is unknown. It has been proposed (...)
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    Feminist Readings of Early Modern Culture: Emerging Subjects.Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of English and Women'S. Studies Valerie Traub, Valerie Traub, Callaghan Dympna, M. Lindsay Kaplan & Dympna Callaghan - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    How did the events of the early modern period affect the way gender and the self were represented? This collection of essays attempts to respond to this question by analysing a wide spectrum of cultural concerns - humanism, technology, science, law, anatomy, literacy, domesticity, colonialism, erotic practices, and the theatre - in order to delineate the history of subjectivity and its relationship with the postmodern fragmented subject. The scope of this analysis expands the terrain explored by feminist theory, while its (...)
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  26. Practical Reason and Social Science Research.Valerie Tiberius & Natalia Washington - 2020 - In Ruth Chang & Kurt Sylvan, The Routledge Handbook of Practical Reason. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 276-290.
    In many areas of philosophy, it is becoming more and more mainstream to appeal or at least refer to social science research. For example, in moral psychology, the empirically informed approach is well established in the literature on moral judgment, moral emotions, and moral responsibility (Greene, 2013; Nichols, 2004; Prinz, 2007; Kelly, 2011; Doris, 2016; Roskies, 2006; Vargas, 2013). Does work in the social sciences have any bearing on philosophical questions about practical reason or reasoning? While there has been some (...)
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    Barbara Levick and Pliny (E.) Bispham, (G. ) Rowe (edd.) with (E.) Matthews Vita Vigilia Est. Essays in Honour of Barbara Levick. (BICS Supplement 100.) Pp. xxviii + 193, b/w & colour ills. London: Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2007 Paper, £30. ISBN: 978-1-905670-14-. [REVIEW]Valerie Naas - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):150-.
  28. Conditional probability and pragmatic conditionals: Dissociating truth and effectiveness.Eyvind Ohm & Valerie A. Thompson - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (3):257 – 280.
    Recent research (e.g., Evans & Over, 2004) has provided support for the hypothesis that people evaluate the probability of conditional statements of the form if p then q as the conditional probability of q given p , P( q / p ). The present paper extends this approach to pragmatic conditionals in the form of inducements (i.e., promises and threats) and advice (i.e., tips and warnings). In so doing, we demonstrate a distinction between the truth status of these conditionals and (...)
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    The relative productivity exponent in global economy.Zarema Seidalievna Seidametova & Valery Anatolievich Temnenko - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):58-63.
    The purpose of the study is to introduce a new economic index, the "relative productivity exponent in the global economy g", which characterizes the deviation of the economic productivity index of a given country from some ideal productivity determined by the shape of the axial line of the swarm of the global economy in the three-dimensional space of economic indices EPI, BLI, CPI. To determine the values of the relative productivity exponent g, the shape of the axial line of the (...)
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  30. Interpreting the Infinitesimal Mathematics of Leibniz and Euler.Jacques Bair, Piotr Błaszczyk, Robert Ely, Valérie Henry, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze, Thomas McGaffey, Patrick Reeder, David M. Schaps, David Sherry & Steven Shnider - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (2):195-238.
    We apply Benacerraf’s distinction between mathematical ontology and mathematical practice to examine contrasting interpretations of infinitesimal mathematics of the seventeenth and eighteenth century, in the work of Bos, Ferraro, Laugwitz, and others. We detect Weierstrass’s ghost behind some of the received historiography on Euler’s infinitesimal mathematics, as when Ferraro proposes to understand Euler in terms of a Weierstrassian notion of limit and Fraser declares classical analysis to be a “primary point of reference for understanding the eighteenth-century theories.” Meanwhile, scholars like (...)
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    Clinical trialist perspectives on the ethics of adaptive clinical trials: a mixed-methods analysis.Laurie J. Legocki, William J. Meurer, Shirley Frederiksen, Roger J. Lewis, Valerie L. Durkalski, Donald A. Berry, William G. Barsan & Michael D. Fetters - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):27.
    In an adaptive clinical trial , key trial characteristics may be altered during the course of the trial according to predefined rules in response to information that accumulates within the trial itself. In addition to having distinguishing scientific features, adaptive trials also may involve ethical considerations that differ from more traditional randomized trials. Better understanding of clinical trial experts’ views about the ethical aspects of adaptive designs could assist those planning ACTs. Our aim was to elucidate the opinions of clinical (...)
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    Does Holistic Processing Require a Large Brain? Insights From Honeybees and Wasps in Fine Visual Recognition Tasks.Aurore Avarguès-Weber, Daniele D’Amaro, Marita Metzler, Valerie Finke, David Baracchi & Adrian G. Dyer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  33.  64
    Examining the representation of causal knowledge.Jonathan A. Fugelsang, Valerie A. Thompson & Kevin N. Dunbar - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (1):1 – 30.
    Three experiments investigated reasoners' beliefs about causal powers; that is, their beliefs about the capacity of a putative cause to produce a given effect. Covariation-based theories (e.g., Cheng, 1997; Kelley, 1973; Novick & Cheng, 2004) posit that beliefs in causal power are represented in terms of the degree of covariation between the cause and its effect; covariation is defined in terms of the degree to which the effect occurs in the presence of the cause, and fails tooccur in the absence (...)
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    Data privacy protection in scientific publications: process implementation at a pharmaceutical company.Friedrich Maritsch, Ingeborg Cil, Colin McKinnon, Jesse Potash, Nicole Baumgartner, Valérie Philippon & Borislava G. Pavlova - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-10.
    Background Sharing anonymized/de-identified clinical trial data and publishing research outcomes in scientific journals, or presenting them at conferences, is key to data-driven scientific exchange. However, when data from scientific publications are linked to other publicly available personal information, the risk of reidentification of trial participants increases, raising privacy concerns. Therefore, we defined a set of criteria allowing us to determine and minimize the risk of data reidentification. We also implemented a review process at Takeda for clinical publications prior to submission (...)
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  35. When data drive health: an archaeology of medical records technology.Colin Koopman, Paul D. G. Showler, Patrick Jones, Mary McLevey & Valerie Simon - 2022 - Biosocieties 17 (4):782-804.
    Medicine is often thought of as a science of the body, but it is also a science of data. In some contexts, it can even be asserted that data drive health. This article focuses on a key piece of data technology central to contemporary practices of medicine: the medical record. By situating the medical record in the perspective of its history, we inquire into how the kinds of data that are kept at sites of clinical encounter often depend on informational (...)
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    Tomoka Takeuchi, Robert D. Ogilvie, Anthony V. Ferrelli, Timothy I. Murphy, and Kathy Belicki.Kelly A. Forrest, Craig Kunimoto, Jeff Miller, Harold Pashler, J. G. Taylor & Valerie Hardcastle - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10:158.
  37.  48
    A recurrent 16p12.1 microdeletion supports a two-hit model for severe developmental delay.Santhosh Girirajan, Jill A. Rosenfeld, Gregory M. Cooper, Francesca Antonacci, Priscillia Siswara, Andy Itsara, Laura Vives, Tom Walsh, Shane E. McCarthy, Carl Baker, Heather C. Mefford, Jeffrey M. Kidd, Sharon R. Browning, Brian L. Browning, Diane E. Dickel, Deborah L. Levy, Blake C. Ballif, Kathryn Platky, Darren M. Farber, Gordon C. Gowans, Jessica J. Wetherbee, Alexander Asamoah, David D. Weaver, Paul R. Mark, Jennifer Dickerson, Bhuwan P. Garg, Sara A. Ellingwood, Rosemarie Smith, Valerie C. Banks, Wendy Smith, Marie T. McDonald, Joe J. Hoo, Beatrice N. French, Cindy Hudson, John P. Johnson, Jillian R. Ozmore, John B. Moeschler, Urvashi Surti, Luis F. Escobar, Dima El-Khechen, Jerome L. Gorski, Jennifer Kussmann, Bonnie Salbert, Yves Lacassie, Alisha Biser, Donna M. McDonald-McGinn, Elaine H. Zackai, Matthew A. Deardorff, Tamim H. Shaikh, Eric Haan, Kathryn L. Friend, Marco Fichera, Corrado Romano, Jozef Gécz, Lynn E. DeLisi, Jonathan Sebat, Mary-Claire King, Lisa G. Shaffer & Eic - unknown
    We report the identification of a recurrent, 520-kb 16p12.1 microdeletion associated with childhood developmental delay. The microdeletion was detected in 20 of 11,873 cases compared with 2 of 8,540 controls and replicated in a second series of 22 of 9,254 cases compared with 6 of 6,299 controls. Most deletions were inherited, with carrier parents likely to manifest neuropsychiatric phenotypes compared to non-carrier parents. Probands were more likely to carry an additional large copy-number variant when compared to matched controls. The clinical (...)
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    Ethical, legal and economic aspects of employer monitoring of employee electronic mail.Thomas J. Hodson, Fred Englander & Valerie Englander - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 19 (1):99 - 108.
    This paper examines ethical, legal and economic dimensions of the decision facing employers regarding whether it is appropriate to monitor the electronic mail (e-mail) communications of its employees. We review the question of whether such monitoring is lawful. Recent e-mail monitoring cases are viewed as a progression from cases involving more established technologies (i.e., phone calls, internal memoranda, faxes and voice mail).The central focus of the paper is on the extent to which employer monitoring of employee e-mail presents a structure (...)
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  39.  23
    The Value of Time and Leisure in a World of Work.Kevin Aho, Robert Audi, Peter A. French, Al Gini, Charles Guignon, Annette Holba, Marcia Homiak, Mike W. Martin & Valerie Tiberius (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    This book is concerned with how we should think and act in our work, leisure activities, and time utilization in order to achieve flourishing lives. The scope papers range from general theoretical considerations of the value, e.g. 'What is a balanced life?', to specific types of considerations, e.g. 'How should we cope with the effects of work on moral decision-making?'.
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    Paul Valery et les Beaux-Arts.G. B. - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 9 (1):69-69.
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    Paul valéry: The aesthetics of the grand seigneur.Remy G. Sajsselin - 1960 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (1):47-52.
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    Postgate's Catullus - Gai Valeri Catulli Carmina, recognouit IOH. P. Postgate. Londini: Bell, 1889. 3 s.S. G. Owen - 1890 - The Classical Review 4 (07):310-312.
  43.  58
    Realist Ethics: Just War Traditions and Power Politics, by Valerie Morkevicius.N. G. Melgaard - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-2.
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    An Ethic of Advocacy: Metajournalistic Discourse on the Practice of Leaks and Whistleblowing from Valerie Plame to the Trump Administration.Brett G. Johnson, Liz Bent & Caroline Dade - 2020 - Journal of Media Ethics 35 (1):2-16.
    This study analyzes the metajournalistic discourse surrounding leaks and whistleblowing crafted by online journalism industry publications since 2004. The goal of the study is to understand how jou...
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  45. Valerie Tiberius, ed. Moral Psychology: An Introduction: New York: Routledge, 2015, 241 pp. ISBN 978-0415529693 $44.95. [REVIEW]Adam R. Thompson - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (2):483-487.
    Valerie Tiberius’s Moral Psychology: An Introduction is a gem. Clearly and crisply drawing on empirical and non-empirical work in philosophy and psychology, Tiberius illuminates the many ways in which the issues central to moral psychology arise in and bear on normative ethics, meta-ethics, and the study of agency and responsibility. Tiberius articulates deep debates, complex concepts and rationales, intricate empirical data points, and obscure assumptions with an enviable ease. Further, though the book is pitched in a manner that is accessible (...)
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  46. Time and Chance.Kenneth G. Denbigh - 1975 - Diogenes 23 (89):1-20.
    That there is something unsatisfying about the scientific concept of nature has for long been recognized, and not least by scientists themselves. Of course there have been some remarkable changes in the foundations of science during the present century, and these have lessened the previously ‘mechanistic’ character of scientific theory; but it still remains true that physical science finds no place in its scheme of things for life and consciousness. “The ancients,” wrote Paul Valéry, “set their philosophy to peopling the (...)
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  47. Aesthetics.Harold Osborne - 1972 - London,: Oxford University Press.
    Valéry, P. The idea of art.--Sartre, J.-P. The work of art.--Ingarden, R. Artistic and aesthetic values.--Merleau-Ponty, M. Eye and mind.--Moore, G. E. Wittgenstein's lectures in 1930-33.--Findlay, J. N. The perspicuous and the poignant.--Hungerland, I. C. Once again, aesthetic and non-aesthetic.--Wollheim, R. On drawing an object.--Elliott, R. K. Aesthetic theory and the experience of art.--Savile, A. The place of invention in the concept of art.--Bibliography (p. [178]-184).
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    A Companion to Cognitive Science.George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.) - 1998 - Blackwell.
    Part I: The Life of Cognitive Science:. William Bechtel, Adele Abrahamsen, and George Graham. Part II: Areas of Study in Cognitive Science:. 1. Analogy: Dedre Gentner. 2. Animal Cognition: Herbert L. Roitblat. 3. Attention: A.H.C. Van Der Heijden. 4. Brain Mapping: Jennifer Mundale. 5. Cognitive Anthropology: Charles W. Nuckolls. 6. Cognitive and Linguistic Development: Adele Abrahamsen. 7. Conceptual Change: Nancy J. Nersessian. 8. Conceptual Organization: Douglas Medin and Sandra R. Waxman. 9. Consciousness: Owen Flanagan. 10. Decision Making: J. Frank Yates (...)
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    Between Mutation and Glitch.Alina R. Latypova - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (2):162-178.
    The following paper considers the immanent principles of digital media evolution. The features of the evolutional route of digital objects are conditioned by glitches, errors and bugs, which appear in media functioning, what in its turn gives birth to the new forms, structures and configurations of digital reality. The glitches are considered not only as a kind of digital mutations, but also as a sign of activity of media. Decisions elaborated from the programs’ failures enlarge the resolution capacity of new (...)
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    Sister's Ghost: Valerie's Story.Valerie J. Mills - 1998 - Anthropology of Consciousness 9 (2-3):56-61.
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